Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wow, where to begin....

I guess I should introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Jenn

I'm a country girl, a self taught cook, a mother of 3 very active boys, a wife of 11 and a half years to my best friend Jared, a scrapbooker, a blogger, a new to sewing and loving it person, a thinker, boot...hat...and anything cowboy lover, a writer, a photographer, a daughter, sister, an aunt, a Mary Kay Consultant, a weight lifter, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, a natural curly highlighted haired blonde, a crafter, and the owner of this newly created blog.

Nice to meet you.

Here's my goal with this thing. It's my blog. MY blog. Yes, I already have another blog. It's our family blog. And yes sometimes I use it as my personal blog as well, but it's titled after my boys, so technically it can't just be my own. And I don't want it to be. I love having a family blog where I can document our life. I love having a place where I can write the fun moments with my kids, or things we've done, and so on. But I want my own as well. I want a place where I can jot down feelings, thoughts, whatever, and be completely honest about it. It might ramble sometimes. And it might be a few sentences the next. But it's mine, and mine alone to do whatever I please with. I'm a thinker. Seriously, I have the weirdest places where I think. Sometimes it's during my workouts lifting weights, and sometimes it's on a walk, or when I'm cooking, or watching t.v. (Yes, I may be "watching t.v." but might be a whole other world away.), and I need a place to write down my thoughts. Writing is one of my therapies in life. It relaxes me. I need it... I love it... and that's why I started this thing.

I hope to find this a fun new adventure in my life. Somewhere to write about my life as I experience it. Somewhere to share my highlights and my lows, my accomplishments in life and my struggles. I want to be able to be completely honest in this. Because let's face it, sometimes it's hard to be honest in all things. But not here. This is mine. And I should be able to be honest with myself, right?!

So here we go.

Welcome to... Writings of a Country Girl.

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